Out of more than 30,000 eggs decorated in more than 50 years by artist Lucia Condrea, more than half of them are exhibited in 106 showcases, making it the largest author museum in the world, with the rest of the exhibits found in museums, Royal Houses and private collections in about 110 countries.
Of all the Romanian customs the one of painting eggs for Easter is by far the smoothest and the warmest. Nowhere else but in Bucovina the egg is looked upon with so much love and the tradition of painting is raised at an artistic level.
The oldest and most suggestive painted eggs, carrying old symbols – pre Christian ones - are taken from the areas inhabited by those people called "hutuli" this tradition is at home here in Moldovita - Bucovina, a place where these people came a long time ago.
The artist Lucia Condrea, the daughter of this land blessed by God, is the one who carried on the fame of this place all over the world.
In 2007 this artist founded in Moldovita a museum having her name, a museum which is unique in Romania and maybe in the whole world if we have in mind the artistic value of the exhibits. The idea of founding this museum came out as a result of labour lasting for a long time and also as a desire to show these values to the future generations.
The visiting hours of the museum: 09-18
Phone: 0230 336 312
Mobile: 0723 541 643
Mobile: 0723 180 286
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