Member of the Artistic Union of Romania and awarded with many prizes within the most important exhibitions of art all over the world Lucia Condrea a unique artist and the painted eggs that carry her signature are the image of a gift given by God to enlighten people.
In creating the "ovoidal jewerly" Lucia Condrea makes use of 15 artistic techniques. The first one is the traditional technique, that of the "batik", from which she started and which she has perfected in time, and the other 14 belong to her entirely, each having the "batik" technique as a starting point, but the final aspect is different from the traditional aspect of eggs.
These creations in Condrea Art (trade mark registered at OSIM) are:
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All these 14 artistic techniques have been invented by Lucia Condrea and at the openimg oh the Personal Exhibition on the first of May 2007 which took place at "Sala Gotica" of the "Trei Ierarhi" Monastery in Iasi, the well known Romanian ethnologist prof.dr. Ion H. Ciubotaru confirmed that "the works of Lucia Condrea stand for something really new in the domain of painting eggs and so this will be called from now on Condrea Art (Arta Condrea)”.
In 2015 the artistic creation of Lucia Condrea became at O.S.I.M. the Registered Trade Mark with the name of ”ARTA CONDREA” (Condrea Art)
An important name of the University of Arts "George Enescu" from Iasi, prof.dr. Gheorghe Dutica, said :"Facing this untold beauty, which righteously is called "Condrea Art", the universal art, one can be but astonished, again and again, soul fulfilled, as every thing is happening here, in Bucovina, in Romania". Also, after seeing the new exhibits belonging to Lucia Condrea another prof.dr. Viorel Munteanu from the University of Arts "George Enescu" - Iasi said: "All these are colours–sounds, colours-songs, colours to call out for life and creation, colours that send us to the archetypes of these places which if understood, transpose one in a state of dream which is a connection to the Universe. A unique creation out of which the ones who will try to carry on with the new thinking and techniques will be bread".
The ornamental patterns which Lucia Condrea makes use of comprise a whole variety of representative elements, having a huge load of art and symbols.
The colours used in painting the eggs is always to be found on national costumes belonging to the area of Bucovina, also on towels, table cloths and pillows, sewings, embroideries etc. The colour of our national costumes are characterized by harmony and freshness, being restful and happily combined.
”Right from her first years of creation Lucia Condrea imposed herself in the art of painted eggs through the technique of "batik". Beside the three colours belonging to the area of Moldovita (yellow, red and black), used beginning with old times by folk artists, Lucia Condrea introduced some more colours, with a lot of artistic and refined taste, from intense red to the mild and warm yellow of the sun rays, from the deep black and blue to the light blue of the summer sky, from the colour of the rotten cherry to the purple of the sunset, to the raw green of the grass in spring, the brown in different shades etc."
(Prof.univ.dr. Florin Bucescu, University of Arts "George Enescu" Iasi, 2007).
In 1993 Lucia Condrea takes part in the Interbalkanic Congress of women at the National Theatre in Bucharest, where she exhibits for the first time in Romania, four of these ten artistic techniques (the coloured wax in relief, graphics, lacery and the traditional technique), getting the first prize for virtuosity and innovation in the art of painting eggs, these new things being quickly taken over by other folk creators.